Currently... : I have a big crush on Adam Young's music!
Current location: my dull and very uncharacteristic hostel room
Current music (playing in my head this very moment): "And when you close your tired eyes I'll meet you there" (Oooo...I do hope so mr. Adam!)
Actually, I don't have anything to say or report, but I got this sudden urge to write something (because like one of my dear reader said, "blogging is addiction of self-expression"), nothing in particular and I want to announce that I'm very bored. So...what else is new?
I got a message from an old friend last night. It was a shock to actually receive a news from him as we've never been in any contact whatsoever since like 2 years ago. I thought he's already forgot about me. I guess not. Our conversation goes something like this:
mr. long lost friend: hey you! asleep yet?
me: not yet! why are you contacting me out of the blue? something happen?
mr. long lost friend: aiya! wrong time to sms you ka? i just want to ask how you've been doing?
me: i'm doin' alright, what about you?
mr. long lost friend: i'm fine, i lost my front teeth though...

Me with mr. Long lost friend somewhere back in 2007
and the conversation goes on for some time until he doesn't reply my message anymore. I think he passed out. Anyway, I'm glad to hear that you're doing well now. Hope to meet you soon buddy!!
I think that's all I got for now. No idea what to write anymore so I better go, minding my mind and tending to its needs.
Sorry for this sort of 'unstimulating' blog post. Until next time...adios!
'Blogging is addiction of self-expression'... I said that and it really happened to me ^___^ Sometimes I blogged when I got nothing else to do (aside of eating, sleeping). I do agree with you, what else we can do in certain limited condition and lack of resources (Refering to mid-month-syndrome; where no budget left for entertainment). Keep it cool, buddy, keep on blogging. I'll do read your blog ^____^
wow! u got some serious case of (self-expression) addiction there! heee...well I'll try to blog as long as I can, and I'd like to say the same to you! keep on blogging fellow blogger! thanks for reading! I appreciate it very mucho!! =)
Yes, I do :p hahhaha don;t take it seriously, I'm felt honoured that you did noticed about what I'd said to you before :) I like your blog, keep on blogging, you are cool person ^____^
Yeah but actually in real life I don't talk much and quite shy around people =)
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