Currently... : totally dumbfounded
Current location: here
Current location: here
Current music: don't forget to click your heels twice, one for right now and one for the ride
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! Something incredibly unbelievable happened today. Ok, so let me start from the beginning. Late yesterday afternoon I was just checking my emails and there were a lot of notifications mail from Myspace. You know, it's been ages since I open my Myspace account and it was just messy. I got a friends request from this band that turns out to be this one guy who called his one man band What Machines Were. I listened to his songs and I can't help but fell in love! With his music of course! It's totally fresh and I dig its style very much. So, I searched for What Machines Were on Facebook and instantly out of pure whim, I just left a comment saying that I love his music. Oh, did I mention? This talented young man is only 19?
Never in a million years have I thought he would comment back thanking me and asking what's my favorite out of all his songs. I said I love them all, even though I only listened to like just 2 or 3 (among them were 'Hello Home, Hello Holidays', Clover, Hectic Times But We've Got This Made and Click Your Heels) He's very nice and I hope he make it big someday. And then I could brag to my friends saying that I know him waay back when he's not so famous... yeah right! He only replied to my wall comment anyway, what makes that so special? I bet dozens of his fans were saying the same thing to him everyday. But still it's so cool of him! If you all got time to spare then why don't go ahead and have a listen? You guys can head here or become his fan on Facebook! I think he also got a channel on Youtube.

What Machines Were
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